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Why did we get into solar?

Selling solar was not in the cards for us. In fact, neither of us ever considered selling anything. But a series of events lead us into this career and changed our way of looking at sales and at customer service.

First, as a parents, we are always looking for ways to help the environment so that our children have a better future. Children in this generation are much more aware of the environmental crisis which gives us hope but it is also heart breaking that they have that heavy burden. So we started changing what we could in our house – using fabric towels instead of paper, recycling everything we could, reusing items, and being a conscience consumer.

So, when we moved into our new house in 2020, we were ecstatic that it had solar. What we soon learned was that it wasn’t enough solar to cover our electric bill and we were later hit with a $3000 True Up bill! We decided to look into getting more solar and chose a large company because we felt that would be safer than a small, local company.

The sales person was amazing and very convincing that we would receive great service. However, after she left, we didn’t hear from her or anyone from the company for a few weeks. We reached out and she said that she would get back to us. After another week, we reached out again and she said she would look into it. This went on for a few more weeks. We finally felt there was movement when someone came out to look at our house but they left and we heard nothing.

We got a call from a PG&E employee in charge of permits who explained that he has been trying for a month to get a hold of the solar company and they won’t answer the phone number he was given and they gave him an email that doesn’t work. We reached out to our sales person and asked to speak to a manager and she said she would have them call us. We tried this three more times. We finally got another call from PG&E saying they were cancelling our permit for solar and that we would have to start over. After trying for almost six months, we were done.

We knew there had to be a better way. What we discovered is that big box solar companies are about the sale and that’s about it. We finally found a company that provided great customer service and decided that we didn’t want anyone to have to go through what we did.

Our commitment to our customers is that we will be there for them every step of the way. All companies are not the same and being able to provide great customer service for the LIFE of the solar feels amazing.

– Mary Hartley & Celeste Cramer

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